We believe that Clothes are emotions. They bring us joy, radiance, confidence and define who we are. At SHOPSNG, our vision is to connect what our patrons feel and how they express themselves. Empowering country women and revealing their inner beauty with our tangible craftsmanship and trendsetting womenswear is one of our founding principles. We aspire to become an institution that is fulfilling as much as it is inspiring.


SNG was founded in the summer of 2018 in Los Angeles but the Idea was conceived several years ago when our founder and CEO was a teenager. Her keen interest and proclivity towards all things artsy, crafts and fashion landed her a high-profile retail job at an upscale retailer on famed Rodeo drive, a mecca of retail shopping and all things desirable, fashion world has to offer. Experience acquired and lessons learnt in Beverly Hills took her on new adventures where she toiled throughout the country and overseas to explore nooks and crannies of both wholesale and retail clothing. As an industry insider, fashion connoisseur and an independent woman/person, she grasped the customers’ expectations and envisioned effectuating/fulfilling them. It was her ambition, diligence, work ethic, knack for customer appreciation and beautiful daughter who inspired her to embark on this journey that she had always dreamt of. That dream is to create a clothing and apparel gateway named after her daughter(SNG) that provides fine American products, is socially responsible and brings happiness to all customers of SNG family.

Our customer is a western woman who appreciates tradition and is modern. She makes lifestyle choices of her own and leaves an imprint on anyone she comes across. She is fierce, feminine and fabulous.

Articles of clothing we sell at SNG are designed, crafted and embellished proudly in United States of America.